Jihad Version 2.0

The rules to Diplomacy are copyright 1999, Hasbro, Inc. See the board game for more information on how to play Diplomacy.

1. Istanbul functions identically to standard Constantinople. Fleets can not pass from AEG-BLA (canal).

2. Egypt functions identically to standard Constantinople. Fleets can not pass from EMed-Red (canal).

3. SAS is a water + land region. Armies can not move onto the south shore of SAS. Fleets may enter and exit SaS from Aqa, Ela, Sin, and Red. Armies may enter and exit only from Ela and Sin.

4. Fleets may pass from RED-PER.

5. Convoys THROUGH any of the 2 canal spaces (IST and EGY) are in order for this game.

6. There are 26 centers available. 14 centers are required to win the game.

7. Deserts are Impassable

For Country Abbreviations click here

Blank Map                Starting Positions